It’s estimated that nine out of ten adults in the UK have some degree of gum disease. What many people don’t realise is that as well as being the leading cause of tooth loss, gum disease is also associated with an increased risk of other serious health conditions such as heart disease and strokes.
Regular appointments with a dental hygienist play a crucial role in preventing gum disease, as well as in early detection and treatment, which can help in reversing the condition and maintaining overall health.
We give our patients personalised care plans, that address individual needs, focusing on diet and preventive practices to reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
In the scaling phase both hard and soft deposits are removed using hand held instruments and an ultrasonic scaler before polishing your teeth (we may opt to use air polishing technique also) to leave a fresh, clean and healthy feel and appearance to your mouth.
At West Grove Dental, we strive to stay ahead with the latest technology. One of the great new ways we help clean stained and dirty teeth is by using Airflow tooth polishing.
Airflow removes stains up to three times faster than traditional polishing systems and teeth feel smoother and cleaner after treatment. It is a painless, fast and non-invasive method of cleaning your teeth.
Usually, our hygienist will remove the hard tartar or calculus before the Airflow polishing to obtain optimum results and a superior clean feeling.
Previously, all hygienist appointments had to be delivered to patients under the prescription of a dentist however, legislation, called Direct Access means this is no longer necessary.
With Direct Access, you can have your teeth cleaned by a hygienist without registering with us; you can be registered with another dentist or not registered with a dentist at all.
Direct Access appointments are cosmetic cleaning only and do not substitute for a dental examination.
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