

Composite Bonding.

Composite bonding is a versatile dental procedure that addresses various aesthetic concerns with teeth, such as minor gaps, chips, and discolouration. It involves the application of a composite resin material that is sculpted directly onto the teeth, which is then cured and polished to blend seamlessly with the surrounding tooth structure. If you want to perfect your smile but you don’t want an invasive procedure, composite bonding is a great solution.

Guaranteed Satisfaction.

Composite bonding is often completed in one visit and is a reversible procedure that is typically more cost-effective than veneers. The process involves applying a tooth-coloured composite resin to the teeth which offers the flexibility of adjustments post-treatment, meaning you’re guaranteed to be happy with the final result.

Same-day Results.

Unlike crowns or veneers which require the drilling of teeth, composite bonding provides a non-destructive, quick way to make an impactful adjustment to your teeth. This treatment is extremely efficient, allowing patients to enjoy the results after just one procedure.

Ready to Perfect Your Smile.

A consultation for bonding with one of our cosmetic dentist Charlotte is needed before any treatment is started and costs £35. 

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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